SSI Scuba Schools International's Specialty Program includes a variety of specialty courses. There is also a limited number of courses that take place outside the water. However, if training dives are obligatory, at least 2 dives must be carried out for the respective specialty. The SSI Advanced Adventurer offers an exception here.

The SSI Advanced Adventurer course as part of the SSI Specialty Program was created to provide a comparable level of training to a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver. The Advanced Adventurer Diver program is designed to give certified divers, under the direct supervision of an SSI professional in active status, an introduction to 5 different SSI Specialty Programs. The first open water training dive of the following specialty programs can be counted towards the Advanced Adventurer program. It is advisable to select the deep dive as one of the adventure dives. This is the only way to ensure that the Advanced Adventurer is also accepted in countries where an advanced level is required for certain dives. You can choose from the following special courses:

  • Boat diving
  • Deep diving
  • Dry suit diving
  • Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN)
  • navigation
  • Night & Limited Visibility
  • Perfect buoyancy
  • Photo & video
  • Scooter / DPV diving
  • Search & Recovery
  • Waves, Tides & Currents
  • Wreck diving

Advanced Adventurer: 10-15 hours

Requirements for certification:

Complete the theory and all evaluations.

Complete at least five (5) different SSI Adventure Dives including briefing and debriefing.

Next level:

SSI Advanced Open Water